Welcome to Gospel Readings
"Jesus performing miracles" - Codex of Predis (1476). Royal Library Turin. Alamy Stock Photo. Used by Permission. Image may not be reproduced from this website.
The purpose of this website is to provide information in regard
to the publication of several hopefully faith-invigorating books
of gospel readings authored by Alan James and available through,
inter alia, Amazon, Book Depository, and Barnes & Noble.
"They will call him Immanuel"
(published 2017; 191 pp.)
gospel readings for the
Advent-Christmas-Epiphany season
A companion
to the birth of-Jesus narratives
of Matthew and Luke

"The Messiah must suffer and rise"
(published 2017; 226 pp.)
Day-by-day gospel readings
for the Ash Wednesday to Easter season
A companion to the accounts
of the momentous last days of Jesus

​"What kind of man is this?"
(published 2020; 261 pp.)

Who was Jesus? Yes, he was the virgin-born son of Mary. And was the Messiah. And the Bread of Life. And the Son of God. But he was so very much more.
But during Jesus’ ministry there was considerable ignorance, uncertainty, and disbelief in regard to his identity.
He did not match the popular notion of the Messiah. And his humble Nazareth background did not suggest that he was a divine figure. Yes, he was an itinerant rabbi and healer and exorcist. But he seemed to be much more than that. So who was he?
“What kind of man is this?” seeks to refresh and enlarge our understanding of who Jesus was by engaging with records in the gospels that tell of deeds and teachings and encounters that point to his multi-faceted identity. Gaining a fresh and greater understanding of Jesus’ identity will invigorate our faith, and underpin and enrich our walk with him and our fellowship with other followers, and equip and strengthen us in our witness to unbelievers.
Here are easy-to-read daily bible readings which guide the reader clearly and caringly, offering enlargement, insight, explanation, nourishment, encouragement.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Alan James. All rights reserved.
No part of this website may be reproduced or transmitted
by any means or for any purpose.
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